
“Quandary” is an album I released under the Bob Meanza moniker. I recorded and produced the music on all seven tracks, which comprise compositions of mine and edited improvisation with guitarist Alex Baboian. Bianca Guitton also joined for the lead vocals on “Reveal”.

Quandary is a work of electronic music that wants to balance between opposites – nature and technology, human agency and artificial thinking, ritual and machinery. That’s how quandaries emerge, as an impossible choice between two extremes.

With a small orchestra of three that already implies roots in Germany, Italy, 
USA, Armenia and France – each musician carries him/herself the “quandary” of having at least two homes. But again, this unexpected network can bring precious fruits to the surface.

The album was out on September 16th 2022, through the label Oxmose, which carried thoroughly the whole vinyl production and brought in artisti Takuro Tamayama for the gorgeous cover.

Music recorded and produced by Michele Pedrazzi
Guitars by Alex Baboian
Vocals on “Reveal” by Bianca Guitton
Exclusively licensed to Oxmose Records
Mastered by Andreas Lubich, at Loop-O Mastering
Cover artwork by Takuro Tamayama
Design by Baptiste Leroux
Manufactured by MPO, France